Just another version of OpenLRSng Tx.
- Open source
- RFM23BP powered from own adjustable supply
- Full power of 28.5dBm (700mW).
- Improved cooling by soldering RFM module to big uninterrupted ground-plane from bottom
- Atmega328 at 16MHz powered from 5V, no EEPROM issues as with 3.3V@16MHz
- True voltage level converters between SPI of RFM and AVR
- Ready for LCFN-490 filter (with one track cut)
- Without filter 2nd harmonic at -5dBm, 3rd harmonic -3dBm
- PPM input buffered and protected (for old radios)
- Power switch onboard
- Uses BOARD_TYPE 4 hardware connections
- Fits in nice aluminum box from Fischer electronics